Alfonso Martínez Domínguez

Alfonso Martínez Domínguez (January 7, 1922 – November 6, 2002) was a controversial Mexican politician affiliated to the Revolutionary Institutional Party (PRI). He served as a president of the PRI (1968 – 1970), senator (1988 – 1994, 1997 – 2000), mayor of Mexico City (1970 – 1971) and governor of Nuevo León (1979 – 1985). Martínez was the son of Alfonso Martínez de la Garza and Margarita Domínguez Gil Samaniego. He never had the opportunity to study, but 3 different Mexican universities,from different states, recognized him as "honoris causa" in law studies (the studies to be an attorney), and that means that they recognize that he knows the same or more than any other student that had graduated from that university. Since he was born he had a stable life until his father died when he was 7 years old, his father studied medicine and had a drugstore in Monterrey, Nuevo León. He had 1 brother and 2 sisters younger than he was. After his father's death, his mother abandoned him and his brother and 2 sisters,so they had to go to live with their grandmother in Mexico City,where they were very poor because their relatives in Monterrey stole their inheritance.

In 1971, after a brutally repressed student protest by a shock group known as "Los Halcones" under the orders of Estado Mayor Presidencial, Martínez Dominguez resigned to his post as mayor of Mexico City, to leave free way to the investigation. In the wake of the events, he became popularly known as "Don Halconzo" in allusion to the massacre. In 1979 he returned to politics as Governor of Nuevo Leon when Jose Lopez Portillo was President of Mexico.

He served as secretary general of the federal bureaucrats union (FSTSE, 1949 – 1952) and got elected to the Chamber of Deputies in three different occasions. He was 2 times senator and Governor of Nuevo León.

Sources: Diccionario biográfico del gobierno mexicano, Ed. Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico, 1992.